Discover Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disorder that affects more than 2 million people in the United States alone. The age at which this disorder attacks highly varies, but the majority of people who are diagnosed are between 40 and 60 years old.
If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you are well aware of how chronic it's and you probably have many questions. Let's examine what causes this form of arthritis, its early symptoms and diagnosis.
Autoimmune Disorder
In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovium (the thin membrane lining of the joints) is attacked by the body's immune system, which causes pain, inflammation, redness, swelling, and heat. It eventually destroys the joints if it is not stopped. A person who has this disease does not have a normal immune system response.With a healthy immune system, the body is protected from foreign substances by antibodies produced by white blood cells.
However, when this rheumatoid arthritis is present, the body's immune system tries to destroy healthy tissue because it identifies it as an invader.Antibodies known as rheumatoid factor are supposed to regulate normal antibodies, but when there is a high level of rheumatoid factor, the person's immune system may not function correctly.
Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes
Although what causes rheumatoid arthritis has not been pinpointed by researchers, there are several factors to consider.Gender and genetics are two possible causes. Women get this disease two to three times more than men. Many researchers agree that genes can be a factor, but having the genetic marker associated with rheumatoid arthritis doesn't always mean a person will get it, or that it will be passed down from parents to children.
Some doctors and researchers believe that infection can be another factor, but there is no proof of such a theory. Smoking can also play a role and might increase your risk of developing this disorder.
Causes of Joint Problems and Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Early Symptoms
Symptoms you may experience include pain, tenderness and swelling in the joints, redness and puffiness in the hands, firm tissue bumps on the arms under the skin, fatigue, stiffness in the mornings lasting for hours, weight loss, and fever. Joints in wrists, hands, feet, and ankles tend to be affected before shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, jaw, and neck.
Symptoms may come and go, but it is time to see a doctor when swelling and pain persists in multiple joints on both sides of your body. While this disease primarily affects the joints and surrounding tissue, it can affect the lungs. Call your doctor right away if you have unexplained difficulty breathing.
The eyes can also be affected by this disease. If you have this disorder and begin to have eye pain, changes in vision or other problems with your eyes, consult an ophthalmologist. Getting treatment early can help prevent complications that might threaten your vision.
Causes of Arthritis in Hands and Fingers
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis
The diagnosing process involves charting one's medical history, examination of the affected joints to assess the extent of damage in terms of inflammation, functionality, and deformity.Doctors frequently request a test to measure rheumatoid factor when attempting a diagnosis.This diagnosis can be tricky because a person can have a negative rheumatoid factor test but still have rheumatoid arthritis.
Another person may test positive on the rheumatoid factor but not have it.Doctors may also request x-rays and/or blood tests for further testing. Further recommendation to a rheumatologist (a physician that specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other related rheumatoid diseases) may be made to make a more conclusive diagnosis.

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